In conjunction with the Blue Cities 2016 conference,
Canadian Water Network is hosting an interactive, 1‑day workshop
featuring Dr. Steve E. Hrudey on the topic of safe drinking water.
Workshop Details
Drinking water operators and other frontline personnel must deliver safe, reliable drinking water to the communities they serve while avoiding risks related to the design, operation and maintenance of their systems. To mitigate the risk of a drinking water outbreak occurring in any system, key lessons can be learned by studying drinking water failures and close calls, and understanding how the lessons learned in those cases apply to other systems.
- Learn about what happened during worldwide drinking water disease outbreaks and chemical contamination episodes, as well as close calls — from the perspective of the frontline operators.
- Discuss the application of lessons learned from each case study to your own facility.
- Understand how to manage and avoid risks in your own system.
This is a practical learning opportunity for frontline personnel, decision-makers, managers and supervisors, who can use the materials from this workshop to reduce and manage risks in their system.
Participants will also receive a copy of the June 2014 book, Ensuring Safe Drinking Water – Learning from Frontline Experience with Contamination, which contains 21 case studies of drinking water failures and close calls.
This course has met the requirements under O. Reg. 128/04 as Director Approved Continuing Education for 0.7 continuing education units.
Limited to 35 participants.
Registration (includes lunch): $350 + HST
Not attending Blue Cities 2016?
You may still register for this workshop.

Dr. Steve E. Hrudey
Professor Emeritus
Analytical and Environmental Toxicology
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Alberta
Steve Hrudey has maintained a diverse, interdisciplinary career in the environmental health sciences and risk management. He has been recognized with a number of major awards, including a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Royal Society of Canada for service to scholarship in science, the 2013 Research Excellence Summit Award of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta and the top research award (2012 A.P. Black Award) of the American Water Works Association, the world’s largest professional association dedicated to safe drinking water.
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Dr. Hrudey was elected a fellow of the Academy of Science – Royal Society of Canada in 2006, the Society for Risk Analysis in 2007, the International Water Association in 2010 and the Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2014. He has served as an elected member of APEGA Council from 2012 to 2015 and in April 2015 was elected as president for 2016 of this 75,000-member agency that self-regulates these applied science professions.
Dr. Hrudey has published extensively in both academic and public venues, having co-authored or edited 10 books, including the widely acclaimed 2004 book inspired by the Walkerton tragedy: Safe Drinking Water – Lessons from Recent Outbreaks in Affluent Nations and in 2014: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water – Learning from Frontline Experience with Contamination; as well as 27 book chapters and 180 refereed journal articles.
Dr. Hrudey’s service to expert panels includes the Research Advisory Panel to the Walkerton Inquiry (2000-2002), the Expert Panel on Safe Drinking Water for First Nations for the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs (2006), Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee to the British Columbia Minister of Health on turbidity and microbial risk in drinking water (2007-2008), Chair of an international expert panel on disinfection by-products and bladder cancer in Washington, D.C. (2014-15), for the Water Research Foundation (WRF) — an international expert panel based in the United Kingdom that developed a 2013 publication, Risk Governance: An Implementation Guide for Water Utilities, and Chair of the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel on Environmental and Health Impacts of Canada’s Oil Sands Industry (2009-2010).
Workshop Location – Delta Toronto Hotel
Book a room by April 25 to ensure you receive our room rate discount!

Reservation Information
Reservations can be made by contacting the Global Reservations Office at 1-888-890-3222. Callers must mention the Canadian Water Network conference to receive the rate of $225.
75 Lower Simcoe Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 3A6 Canada